Islington Aims To Profit From PropheZy

Saturday, 01 March 2003
By Now&ZYen


The Z/Yen Director who named our predictive research project Auguri (see Now and Z/Yen February 2003) had clearly not foreseen the risk of leaving the letter Z out of a Z/Yen name. After a “shock and awesome” boardroom coup, the software suite has now emerged with the name PropheZy. Almost as importantly, Z/Yen has been commissioned by the London Borough of Islington to deploy PropheZy to help Islington make sense of some of its expenditure. Z/Yen will identify the patterns within historical expenditure in order to model the factors that can be used to predict future expenditure. In this way, Islington hopes to be able to predict expenditure earlier in the financial year and allow managers to control expenditure rather than reporting budget overruns and thus avoid the shock and awe that overruns can cause.