‘Indices Going Up’

Wednesday, 30 April 2008
By Now&ZYen


Our innovative approach to creating indices continues to go from strength to strength. The City of London have re-appointed Z/Yen to continue running the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) for the next two years – GFCI 4 is to be published in September 2008.

Cities including (in strictly alphabetical order) Brussels, Budapest, Dubai, Frankfurt, Monaco, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm, Tel Aviv, Tokyo and Toronto have all contacted us for advice about becoming more competitive centres for financial services. GFCI continues to attract a great deal of media interest, whilst Mark and Michael have been making appearances on CNBC and Bloomberg and at international conferences from Moscow to Toronto. (Who needs summer holidays in such circumstances?)

The Global Intellectual Property Index (GIPI), launched at the beginning of May by European law firm Taylor Wessing presents a statistical comparison of how jurisdictions are viewed in terms of ‘IP competitiveness’. Jurisdictions are rated as places in which to obtain, exploit, enforce & attack the three main types of IP: trademarks, patents and copyright. The results of the GIPI show five ‘tiers’ of IP competitiveness, with UK, USA, Germany in Tier 1 and Netherlands, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and France in Tier 2. Full results can be found here.

Please participate in both surveys here.