Independent Professor

Tuesday, 01 November 2005
By Now&ZYen


Now that Michael has gone a bit academic (well at least six nights a year), he seems to want his Independents (sic). His inaugural lecture at Gresham College on 19 September, "Danish Fairy Tales? From Andersen and the Copenhagen Consensus Towards a Theory of Commerce", was covered in "What Do We Mean When We Talk About The Free Market?" at Independent Online (6 October 2005) and was picked up by press as far away as New Zealand. That’s faster than bird flu, that is. Michael's last lecture this year will be "Perceptions Rather than Rules: The (Mis)-Behaviour of Markets" on Monday, 14 November 2005 at 18:00 at Barnard’s Inn Hall, London EC1, followed by a complimentary reception sponsored by Z/Yen at 19:00. Admission is free and unreserved at Gresham College but do contact the Z/Yen offices if we can assist in any way.