In The Meantime

Tuesday, 30 April 2002
By Now&ZYen

Z/Yen's risk/reward interim management group keeps growing. With 15 placements, we have a large and diverse team helping various clients as finance directors, project managers, HR managers, marketing specialists, IT directors, telecomms experts and contract negotiators, to name a few. For fixed deliverables, Z/Yen continues to grow its special projects area, but where clients are prepared to manage skilled people Z/Yen provides them directly. Obviously, we have to do it our way, which involves performance-based contracts with our people and monthly QA reviews. However, we still struggle with the term "interim management", so yet another bottle of bubbly from our rapidly depleting cellars (you should see these former bomb-shelters sometime) to the reader with the most Z/Yennable catchphrase!