Hundreds Sign Up To The Big ExtZy Giveaway

Friday, 01 January 2010
By Now&ZYen


Hundreds of people signed up over Christmas to play ExtZy, Z/Yen’s ultimate market prediction game. Perhaps the huge wave of interest is because Z/Yen is giving away a wodge of ExtZy stocks to anyone who registers (or signs in) between now and 31 January. Or perhaps the enthusiasm stems from the fact that, once you have gained enough Zoints, you can claim real prizes – ranging from a £300 iPod to a pair of deluxe chopsticks. Alternatively, you can choose to convert prizes into donations to the registered UK charity of your choice; so far over 60% of prize money awarded has gone to charity. Z/Yen’s generous give-away comprises up to £50,000 worth of prizes/donations. Simply sign in or register here before the end of the month to claim your free gift of ExtZy stocks and get playing towards those prizes and donations.