We reported in the last issue of Now and Z/Yen that the Charityshare joint venture between NSPCC and The Children’s Society to co-share IT services., which Z/Yen has been spearheading for the past 18 months, had been short-listed for the prestigious Charity Awards 2005 Best use of Technology Award. Now we can report with even more glee that the venture achieved a highly commended award on the night. The judges commented that "the rest of the sector should take note of what has been done here". Ian Harris, Mary O’Callaghan and Linda Cook attended the glitzy evening at The Grosvenor, helping our client to celebrate and having their pictures taken with the winning certificate. If you know of any other not-for-profit organisations and/or government agencies who might be interested in joining Charityshare or establishing a collaborative venture in their sector, please contact Ian Harris.