Here Comes The Summer, Here Comes The CCITDG

Wednesday, 30 April 2008
By Now&ZYen

Z/Yen is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a three year contract to undertake the Charities Consortium IT Directors’ Group (known as CCITDG – and try saying that after a couple of G&Ts) benchmarking. This venture is bursting with bright ideas, only some of which originate from Z/Yen. All members of the CCITDG (currently 87) will participate in the core benchmarking as a benefit and requirement of membership. In true Z/Yen style, the benchmarking will be dynamic; i.e. participants will be able to choose when they wish to participate. There will be several optional modules for members to participate in if they wish.

The new-style CCITDG benchmarking will be launched in June. For more information on CCITDG see


One of the new ideas is to provide an IT benchmarking framework that would be useful to organisations other than charities and thus to enable the charities to compare themselves with other organisations that might be relevant to them. For example, we are already in discussions with the British Computer Society, hoping to widen out the environmental module to allow participation from many sectors. Mary O’Callaghan is leading the work along with Ian Harris, but several other members of the Z/Yen team are likely to be involved as the venture unfolds. Please contact Mary or Ian if you think you or your organisation has something to offer this innovative and exciting venture.