Green, Mean, Debating Machine

Thursday, 01 March 2007
By Now&ZYen

One climate change highlight in January was The City Debate 2007. This prestigious fixture in the annual calendar is sponsored by The Futures and Options Association and hosted in the Mansion House with the Lord Mayor in attendance. Professor Michael Mainelli joined forces with Richard D North (iconoclastic author and Fellow of the Institute of Economic Affairs) to generate a discussion on "Green and Growth Don't Go" against Chris Huhne MP (Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Food and Rural Affairs Secretary) and Emma Duncan (Deputy Editor, The Economist), moderated by the Rt Hon Michael Portillo. Of course Michael opened the debate with a balanced broadside – "Green and growth is a lie-for-children alongside Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Nessie, immaculate conception, intelligent design and honours-on-merit". While Michael and Richard had the least savoury position, and despite their nuanced stance ultimately lost, they managed to swing nearly 10% of the audience to their side during what proved to be a stimulating, and fun, evening.