Global Indices Go Global

Saturday, 30 June 2007
By Now&ZYen

Z/Yen used a novel approach in building the Global Financial Centres Index 1. We used PropheZy to create an instrumental factor model that combined existing indices with participants' assessments. Since the GFCI launch in March at Cannes, we've been asked to present at numerous functions from a Swedish Chamber of Commerce (rather a propos for Michael) event to a Greater London Authority seminar and a Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (more Mark's style) round table. We've met delegations from the USA to Korea. We've participated in some fascinating discussions on new approaches to analysing financial centres' growth. Moreover, the instrumental factor approach has led to discussions with people looking at indices for regional financial centres, intellectual property, maritime centres, sustainability, bureaucracy and insurance, amongst others.

We encourage readers of Now & Z/Yen who have experience of financial centres, and haven't taken the opportunity already, to contribute to Global Financial Centres Index 2 by completing the very short questionnaire.