Getting To Know Your Aspects

Sunday, 30 June 2002
By Now&ZYen


As with all relationships, you don’t really get to know people until you’re in deep. Z/Yen’s acquisition of Aspect is proving no exception. Firstly, Stephen Martin submitted a piece to Now and Z/Yen of such startling obscurity (his family’s supermarket shopping habits as affected by air miles and recycling campaigns) that the editor hardly knew where to look. However, publishers often fail to spot emerging demand for writing, so if Now and Z/Yen readers want to know about Stephen’s literal in-house market research, please let us know.

Then, Laura Wright announced to Now and Z/Yen that she used her honeymoon to conquer Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, because it is something that all other members of the Z/Yen Aspect team have already done. Laura also explains that she and husband Chris raised about £3,000 for Diabetes UK as a by-product of their intense honeymoon activity, which left them “with aching legs”. We might be getting nervous about all this, were it not for the constant stream of significant win announcements, including, in the past couple of weeks, business intelligence and market research assignments with Caterpillar/Perkins, Westcon and Epson. Well done to the Z/Yen Aspect team for such an excellent start with Z/Yen, plus special congratulations to Laura and Chris for tying the knot so charitably.