Flotation Of Art Gallery – From Our Virtual Correspondent

Tuesday, 01 December 1998
By Now&ZYen


Word is that over 100 City financial types (presumably the usual bunch of freeloading drink scroungers and canapé coveters) turned up under a misapprehension. They discovered that Z/Yen were not completing a mandate for a chain of art galleries, but sponsoring a floating art exhibition aboard the Thames Sailing Barge, Lady Daphne.

This correspondent, realising the importance of virtual offices, virtual exhibitions and virtually being places, high-tailed it to Burma and Langkawi where he turned brown with envy at missing this year’s art world highlight. Z/yen’s guests allegedly made appreciative murmurs through mouthfuls of Jo Middleton’s cooking about Den Phillips’ photographs and Vanessa Williams’ driftwood sculptures. It is rumoured that some folks even purchased a few works. Needless to say, having heard that the canapés were not so bad, this virtual correspondent will provide even better coverage next year, or at least bring back some south-east Asian elephant dung in time for the show.