Financing Sustainability: A Z/Yen Recipe

Tuesday, 10 August 2010
By Now&ZYen

How do you ensure freshwater and forest resources aren't depleted further? Here's a recipe: a handful of Z/Yen staff, a dozen scientists, a roomful of private sector professionals, mix thoroughly but don't stir. On the afternoon of Wednesday 21 June forty professionals gathered in the City Marketing Suite at the City of London Corporation to participate in the Finance, Water & Forestry symposium.

Z/Yen, as a delivery partner of the Financial Services Knowledge Transfer Network, hosted two workshops in June on Finance & Water and Finance & Forestry. These workshops were held on behalf of Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to do an initial scoping for water and forestry data and the modelling needs of investment decision-makers. The aim of the symposium was to present initial findings from both workshops, driven by the central question "Where's the Data?"


Scientists from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) came from across the UK to engage with the curious audience. Leonor Fishman and Stephanie Rochford, authors of the water and forestry papers respectively, each gave a short presentation outlining the findings of their enquiries to date. A lively and thought-provoking debate followed both presentations.

The final reports will be launched separately at the Long Finance Finance & Forestry Roundtable on 20 September and the London Accord Autumn Conference on 12 October, where there will be further opportunities for blending with NERC scientists.
