Faith, Hope & Charity

Wednesday, 31 May 2000
By Now&ZYen

Unfortunately, we have not yet won any assignments in the Faith and Hope sectors but our work in the Charity sector continues. Marie (Inter-City) Logan& Mary (Northern-Line) O’Callaghan continue to be supported by Ian (Shank’s Pony) Harris as they take over the Sector. Grants, drug development, scientific research, social work databases, more grants, technology infra-structure, focus groups, more grants, performance evaluation are all areas currently supported by the wand’ring stars. Interestingly, the effect of working with The Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation has not yet encouraged healthy eating and lifestyle commitments from our consultants. Concerns have been raised about their childish ways however, though these are not due in any part to the long-term relationship with The Children’s Society.