Ethics Is Not A Place Between Hertfordshire & Cambridgeshire

Saturday, 01 November 2008
By Now&ZYen

Ian Harris is increasingly sure that there is something wrong with Z/Yen’s travel policy as he doesn’t seem to escape Zone 1 of the London Underground. However, as George Mikes (a former neighbour of Ian’s) once put it “staying at home broadens the mind”. In London, the world comes to you. At Gresham College, in November, a solid chunk of the Z/Yen world turned out to see Ian lecture on Commercial Ethics. Those unfortunate enough to miss it might like to look and/or listen and/or read the material here. Judging by some of Ian’s remarks about Government-style procurement and the misuse of anti-terrorism laws, Ian might find himself taking a little Caribbean jaunt after all. The weather at least should be good this time of year on the south-east tip of Cuba.