E-Pricing And E-Trading Technology Benchmark Launched

Wednesday, 30 June 2004
By Now&ZYen

Having successfully benchmarked most areas of banking operations, a leading investment bank has asked Z/Yen to initiate a new study looking at investment in e-Pricing and e-Trading technology. Banks are investing large amounts of money in these technology platforms in the hopes of benefiting from faster processing times, lower costs and increased profitability. However, with technologies and products developing quickly, many banks are struggling to quantify how much they should be investing in these platforms, and for which products. The Z/Yen study will enable senior management to compare specific technology costs & headcounts with peers, understand how cost drivers compare across the industry and look at some key technology and management trends such as outsourcing, offshoring and near-sourcing. If this is of interest, please contact Mary O’Callaghan on mary_ocallaghan@zyen.com.