Duck Season? Rabbit Season? No - Conference Season

Friday, 31 August 2001
By Now&ZYen


The 10th Annual Charity Accountants Conference takes place in Leicester on 17 to 19 September, where Ian Harris and Mary O’Callaghan will lead a session on the practicalities of implementing E-Procurement. Drawing on Z/Yen’s extensive experience and research in the area, the session promises charities large and small a practical guide to understanding E-Procurement. Another Z/Yen sweep is: "how often will Ian and Mary plug Z/Yen’s new book "Information Technology for the Not-for-Profit Sector" during the conference. Despite Mary’s disappointment that this event is taking place within the UK, both she and Ian are looking forward to a lively discussion. (If Mary wants foreign travel she should join an orchestra – Ed) Meanwhile, Z/Yen is planning one or two conferences of its own this autumn, including one for not-for-profit sector organisations on ways they can provide evidence of their worth. Watch this space for further conference news.