Draw Me A Jaffe

Monday, 01 March 1999
By Now&ZYen

We are pleased to announce the launch of our strategic partner, Jaffe Associates. We’d like to say our "sister company" but we’ve been told that’s not the ‘in’ phrase. Jaffe has nothing to do with confectionary or cakes or even the famous VAT case. Jaffe is a strategic marketing consultancy headed by Rob Pay, formerly head of marketing for Clifford Chance and the London Stock Exchange. Jaffe is focused on helping professional service firms, lawyers, accountants, property companies and associations improve their business development performance. Jaffe has rapidly developed a client list which already includes firms such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Linklaters & Alliance and Nomura. Z/Yen and Jaffe are engaged in a number of joint pieces of work, including a marketing and communications audit for a large and famous professional association. The team includes Mary Pasby (ex head of marketing planning at Coopers & Lybrand and KPMG), Rosemary Ghazaros (ex marketing director of Deloittes), John Atkinson (ex marketing director for Gillette) and Mike Tarrier (who runs the communications business). Michael Mainelli of Z/Yen will be joining Jaffe as a non-executive director later in the year. Jaffe is linked with the well-established US firm located in Washington DC. The Jaffe theme is "get serious" which explains the joint website address of www.get-serious.com. Seriously, we’ll arrange a suitable prize for anyone who can show us what a Jaffe looks like.