This morning the Z/Yen team hosted 15 students from Bacon's College in our offices at St Helen's Place, as part of an initiative run by The Brokerage to introduce young people to professional activities being carried out in the City of London.
This was the second workshop in which Z/Yen took part (the first was back in October 2009) and, as before, we were really pleased to welcome such an interesting group of bright and inquisitive students. Michael, Ben, Leo, Mark and Jez all presented on different aspects of Z/Yen's work including ExtZy, The London Accord, PropheZy and the Global Financial Centres Index. The interactive presentations had the students learning about a range of topics, from investing in research to predicting football scores, not to mention giving them the opportunity to win literally millions of dollars... albeit Zimbabwean ones. The morning was a great success and we hope to carry on our collaboration with The Brokerage and the City of London on this excellent programme.