Before During & After The Lord Mayor's Show

Wednesday, 15 November 2023
By Now&ZYen

Before The Lord Mayor's Show

On 29 September 2023 The Z/Yen Group proudly announced that its Chairman, Professor Michael Mainelli, has been elected as the 695th Lord Mayor of London, saying:

"We very much look forward to Professor Mainelli’s time as Lord Mayor, which is the highlight of Z/Yen’s ongoing commitment to the City. Alongside providing Professor Mainelli with a sabbatical year to enable him to take up his new position, Z/Yen is providing logistical and infrastructure support for the Lord Mayor’s Knowledge Miles webinar series, which will run throughout the year with support from the Gresham Society."

Mike Wardle, Chief Executive Officer of Z/Yen said:

“Michael Mainelli’s election as Lord Mayor is a proud moment for Z/Yen. We have been planning for this possibility for some time, with his earlier release from Z/Yen to undertake the role of Sheriff of London for two years. We wish Michael every success in his Mayoral year and with the development of the Knowledge Mile, and we continue to support the City of London in its work.”

The Lord Mayor's Show

The Z/Yen Team and their families were able to enjoy prime seats and a reception at The Mansion House for The Lord Mayor's Show. If you want to read all about it, Ian Harris has blogged the event, including some of Janie's 200+ pictures (yes really), plus a link to all of Janie's pictures and a video link to the BBC broadcast, which should be available until October 2024 - click here to see Ian's blog piece and all that link stuff goes with it.

After The Lord Mayor's Show

No, not the dust cart, the Lord Mayor's Banquet. Again, Ian was there and has written up the event in his own inimitable style. So much so that we feel bound to say that the opinions expressed in Ian's blog piece are his own...which is more than can be said for the garments Ian wore on the evening. Click here to read Ian's write up of the banquet.

After That...

Now&Z/Yen is sure that Michael would want us to provide a link to his Connect2Prosper site, where you can read all about Michael's wide-ranging agenda for his Mayoral year. There's something interesting in that agenda for just about everybody. Click here for the Connect2Prosper link.

Back here at Z/Yen, we take our hats off to you Michael...but not as much as you seem to have to take your hat off to us, these days. For a year, anyway.

Michael Mainelli Mayor