April Another Win-Win Month For Z/Yen

Friday, 31 March 1995
By Now&ZYen


Following Z/Yen’s highly prestigious win in March at The DERA (Defence Evaluation Research Agency), April provided further cheer with two more exciting and challenging wins.

Stuart Otter won a competitive bid to conduct a strategic review at Argonaut Software, makers of market-leading video games and video machine chips.

As Stuart put it, "at one point we didn’t think we were going to win the bid, but you know what they say, ‘the video game ain’t over until the fat alien’s been blown to smithereens’. Seriously, we are delighted to have the opportunity to work with such a dynamic company in this exciting and fast moving industry."

Ian Harris was similarly bullish about Z/Yen’s other win, a review of The National Council For Voluntary Organisation’ (NCVO’s) publications arm. Ian is doing the work jointly with David Highton and Michael Mainelli. In view of Ian’s well-known ramblings on such matters, Now and Z/Yen asked him to sum up his feeling about the win in a single word. He replied succinctly "um". This assignment, also won in competition, includes a telephone survey of NCVO publications’ customers. Would Now and Z/Yen readers who ever buy or use NCVO publications please call Ian Harris at the Z/Yen number shown below for a five to ten minute interview (yes, really) over the next week or so?