An International Cast Of Stars

Sunday, 01 February 2004
By Now&ZYen


“Client Intelligence”, one of our Breakfast Seminars on 22 January, attracted so much interest that we will be repeating the event in February. The seminar featured demonstrations from a truly international cast of stars including Michael Jackson (Dr Michael Jackson the chief executive of; Barry Solomon who joined us from Illinois to demonstrate InterAction a client relationship management tool; Sebastian Leslie,a Scot who flew in from Prague to demonstrate OneStopHit; Eric Eck, our French colleague, who joined Robert Pay in demonstrating Pitchbuilder; and of course Michael Mainelli who gave a multi-domiciliary demonstration of how PropheZy can help predict client behaviour. There are still places at the repeat event – to be allocated on a “biggest-bribe, best seat” ..... I mean “first come, first served” basis via Mark Yeandle.