Ageing (Dis)Gracefully

Tuesday, 30 September 2003
By Now&ZYen


Ian Harris might leap around the cricket field like a spring chicken, (Who wrote this rubbish? - Ed) (Who'd'ya think? - ILH) but eventually the years catch up with all of us and we start thinking about retirement. Perhaps that is why Ian has accepted the invitation to sit on the Charity Finance Directors' Group (CFDG) Pensions Task Force. The current pensions crisis is pertinent to many charities, especially those in the care sector where defined benefits pensions have been the norm. The CFDG is hoping that Z/Yen's risk/reward thinking might provide some useful ideas to help solve the thorny problems. The Task Force expects to report in the first half of 2004 (long time frames on anything to do with pensions). Now & Z/Yen is not sure whether this appointment is a great honour for Z/Yen or a poisoned chalice that might prove some problems to be truly insurmountable. So, if Now & Z/Yen readers have any good examples or bright ideas (commercial and public sector wisdom equally applicable), please get in touch with poor old Ian before we put him out to graze.