90 Interviews, 10 Countries, 17 Banks, 2 Gratuitous Rugby World Cup Mentions

Monday, 01 December 2003
By Now&ZYen


Z/Yen's financial services team strove to complete two Operational Performance of Brokers (OPB) surveys before the end of 2003, in which 90 international fund managers are interviewed. In a remarkable feat of planning, both interview streams, the US led by Jonathan Davies and Europe led by James Pitcher, have come to an end simultaneously. Jeremy, Giles, Francesca, Mary and Dimitris are busy polishing off graphs and analysing trends. One thing is clear, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and operational excellence are ever more serious for banks. Z/Yen will start 2004 with a further (Global) OPB study into the Treasury Market. Australia beckons, but too late for the Rugby World Cup!