Brett King is a bestselling author, American Banker’s Innovator of the Year for 2012 and the founder of the direct mobile bank Moven. He is an International Judge for the GSMA Global Mobile Awards, the Asian Banker Retail Excellence Awards and for the Middle-East Business Achievement Awards.
A global thought leader in financial services and customer experience, King is a sought after expert on innovation, technology disruption, customer experience and channel distribution strategy. He publishes regularly in his role as industry advisor on Huffington Post, Internet Evolution, SeekingAlpha, American Banker, FinExtra and his personal blog He has recently been featured on Bloomberg TV, BBC, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, etc.
He previously led the Asia division for Modem Media/Digitas and the E-Business service line for Deloitte. He has worked with top global banks like HSBC, BMO, TD, Lloyds, RBS, Sberbank, JP Morgan Chase and others as a strategic advisor, and also provides thought leadership to leading service organizations such as Oracle, Microsoft, Sapient, Leo Burnett and others.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
18:00 GMT
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