An Update On EU Financial Services Legislation & Associated Initiatives

David spoke at the Club a year ago, and gave an in-depth analysis of the progress of MiFID and SEPA, as someone who is on the inside track with Brussels. In a return presentation, David will update us on the most pressing developments in Financial Markets regulation coming up in the near future, in particular the Capital Requirements Directive.

David is known across Europe as a leading expert on EU financial market regulation. A former diplomat with over 20 years of service on mainland Europe and now acts as an EU Policy Advisor between Brussels, London and Paris, specialising in EU Financial Services. He is a member of the Executive Board of the joint MEP-EU industry “The Kangaroo Group” at the European Parliament, the Board of Directors of the Genesis Initiative at Westminster, and sits on the Transatlantic Business Dialogue Taskforce on Capital Markets and the Corporation of London EU Regulatory Working Group.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

18:00 GMT



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    Dr David Doyle
    EU Policy Advisor on Financial Markets

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