UK National Debt: Lessons From History For A Forgetful Government Today
Book launch


After removing sharp objects from the vicinity of the imminently-depressed audience, Dr Rotherham will be exploring certain avenues of his recent research that looks at how the English and UK Government over the years has viewed deficits and borrowing, latterly published in A Fate Worse Than Debt: A Beginner’s Guide to Britain’s National Debt from Boadicea to Cameron.

Dr Lee Rotherham is by background a historian and linguist. After doing the EU research for Sir Richard Body MP and the Eurorebels, he was taken on as Political Adviser to three Shadow Foreign Secretaries, a role that became part-based in the European Parliament running a Brussels monitoring cell. During the Convention on the Future of Europe that drafted the EU Constitution, he then became ‘Chief of Staff’ to the Rt Hon David Heathcoat-Amory MP, the Conservative Parliamentary delegate. He was concurrently given the lead media responsibility by the Conservative Party Press Office, and also had a key position as a native English speaker coordinating activity amongst the teams of Eurosceptic delegates. In the general election of 2001 he fought the celebrated ‘butler campaign’ against Shaun Woodward, and in 2005 was candidate in Rotherham for the Conservatives. Today he advises amongst others the Rt Hon John Hayes, MP.

Outside of Parliament, over the years Lee has worked for a national heritage organisation, in teaching, in consultancy, as well as in agriculture. He is a Research Fellow of the TaxPayers’ Alliance; has worked in Whitehall on counternarcotics, and on extremism; and is on the national board and knife crime working group of the children’s organisation Kids Count. He has been very widely published, including the hit Bumper Books of Government Waste (with Matthew Elliott); The EU in a Nutshell (with a foreword by Dr David Starkey); and a forthcoming guidebook to Roman Britain. An army reservist, he has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and at NATO HQ during the Libya Conflict.

Wednesday, 09 October 2013

8:30 - 10:00 BST



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