Risk Taking To The Max: How Banks Can Learn From Extreme Innovation


We often look for innovation and risk, and how to balance the two. One man who has taken this to the max is Richard Noble OBE.

Against a background of today’s low risk culture, Richard specialises in developing high risk ventures. Obviously not all of them can be successful, but the Thrust2 programme which brought the World Land Speed Record back to Britain in 1983 and the ThrustSSC first ever supersonic land speed record programme are the best known. Other projects he has taken on board are many, with the last one being the Farnborough Aircraft, the first point to point taxi aircraft. These projects all started very small and being original in concept attract only very limited resource. Therefore, when there are successes, they are amazing to watch and to find out how it happened. That’s what Richard will share with us this evening.

Oh yes, and by the way, his latest project is Bloodhound SSC, a car that will drive at 1,000 mph on land. The Economist ran a report on the Bloodhound in their May issue, and here’s a highlight: “Bloodhound SSC could reach up to 1,050mph. Wing Commander Green (the driver) then has to slam on the brakes. After turning off the jet and rocket he will deploy an air brake at 800mph, parachutes at 600mph and finally put his foot on a car-type friction brake at 250mph—any faster and the brakes could explode.” Read more at: http://www.economist.com/node/18648370?story_id=18648370

In a truly inspirational evening, Richard Noble will show you how to take risks and innovate at the extreme. An evening not to be missed, and something for all of us to learn from people who do things differently.

Tuesday, 05 July 2011

18:00 BST



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  • Richard Noble OBE

Lloyd's Of London
One Lime Street
London EC3M 7HA

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