Post Covid-19 Business Model & Policy Choices For Digital Finance In Europe

Webinar Recording

The future of digital finance in Europe runs through public policy. While there is much excitement about technological advances and the promise they might offer, the primary driver of the future shape of digital finance and whether it will deliver meaningful social benefit or merely reproduce, in digital form, the strengths and weaknesses of the current financial system, depends heavily on the direction of public policy and the regulatory framework. This is the main conclusion of a paper titled "Building Digital Finance in Europe: FinTech for Social Value" by Ismail Ertürk and Joe Zammit-Lucia for the RADIX Centre for Business, Politics & Society.

In this event, Ismail and Joe will be discussing the state of the 'FinTech' industry in Europe and what it will take for Europe to catch up with the US and China and deliver a digital finance ecosystem that lives up to the promise of market disruption digital technology that democratises finance, increases competition, and better align the financial system with broader societal goals.


Ismail Ertürk is a Senior Fellow at RADIX, Senior Lecturer in Banking and Director for Social Responsibility and Engagement at Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester. His research interests are financialised capitalism, post-crisis central bank unconventional policies, social value of finance and banking, corporate governance and cultural political economy. He has published widely in these areas.

He has undertaken advisory work for companies and government institutions internationally, has developed and directed senior banking programmes for the leading international banks and regularly comments on banking and international economics in the international media.

He co-authored After the Great Complacence: Financial Innovation and Politics of Financial Reforms Oxford University Press 2011 and co-edited Routledge Companion to Banking Regulation and Reform, Routledge 2017, Central Banking at a Crossroads Anthem Press 2014, Financialization at Work, Routledge 2008.

Joe Zammit-Lucia is a co-Founder and Board member at RADIX. Trained as a physician at the University of London he had a career in industry spanning Research & Development, marketing, strategic planning and industry economics. An entrepreneur whose business grew to be market leader in its field, he is an investor in early stage companies.

His interest is in the relationship between policy, business and the economy and he is a regular commentator on the subject in the UK, USA, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands and Malta. He was Special Advisor to the Director General at the International Union for Conservation of Nature and a member of the Dean's Advisory Board at Florida International University. He is an Advisory Board member of the Singapore Forum for long-term investors focused on building an SDG-driven world economy.

He is co-author of The Death of Liberal Democracy?, Backlash: Saving Globalisation From Itself, and A Radical Politics for Business as well as RADIX papers on central banks, on corporate governance, and on Brexit. His new book on the relationship between business and politics will be published by Bloomsbury in 2022.

Friday, 19 February 2021

11:00 - 11:45 GMT



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    Ismail Ertürk
    Senior Fellow
  • Joe Zammit-Lucia.jpg
    Joe Zammit-Lucia
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    Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
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