Meta-Commerce Workshop

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Meta-Commerce Workshop Report

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Meta-Commerce Workshop

The aim of the workshop, which is being held as part of Long Finance’s Meta-Commerce programme, is to understand existing and possible future problems within the financial system; and to identify potential solutions that merit further consideration and research. The workshop will take place in advance of the Long Finance Autumn Conference 2012.

The workshop aims to harness the expertise of professionals and academics to consider the future of finance. This short thought piece, written by Ian Harris, provides some more background to the workshop. We aim to identify several research areas around which we can begin to structure the kinds of research questions and envisage solutions that might enable us to develop a working financial system.

The Meta-Commerce programme attempts to link economics, finance and society. Identifying key aspects of a working global financial system will entail an understanding of the values and attitudes of people across cultures and societies, so we are looking to engage with people from a range of backgrounds and with diverse experiences.

All invitees were invited to take a short survey in advance of the workshop to help us to structure the discussion on the day.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

10:00 - 12:00 GMT


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  • Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group
