Meritocracy is a hot topic, central to books within the last year from Michael Sandel and Gary Hamel (no, they didn't write together but maybe we could sponsor them?). Up to now, analyses of 'glass ceilings' have treated them as bugs, not features, of meritocracy: the consequence of bad ideology or unconscious bias. Douglas Board argues the reverse. A clearer understanding of glass ceilings means we can tackle them better .
Douglas Board (@BoardWryter) is an executive coach and a writer and thinker on leadership. After switching from the Treasury to executive search, becoming deputy chairman of a top ten UK search firm, he did a doctorate in the selection of people for senior roles. He has held board roles in two major charities, is one of the non-lawyer members of the QC Selection Panel and a senior visiting fellow of the nearly-Bayes Business School. The FT called his current book Elites: can you rise to the top without losing your soul? 'profound', 'subversive' and 'often very funny'.
Monday, 26 July 2021
15:00 - 15:45 BST
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