Long Finance Webinar 'Modelling the Economics of Cryptocurrencies'

How can we model the economics of cryptocurrencies? What are the key questions to be answered? How can modelling provide insights? What are key variables to be considered? How to define plausible 'real-world' scenarios? Which models might be more relevant in the context of cryptocurrencies? These are some of the questions being explored as part of a research project which explores the economics of cryptocurrencies, focusing on DasCoin, a hybrid cryptocurrency launched at the end of March which combines centralised and decentralised features of cryptocurrency approaches. The project runs an economic simulation of DasCoin under various scenarios taking into account variables such as conversion rates, market capitalisation and volatility.

During this webinar, Z/Yen's research team will discuss modelling the economics of cryptocurrencies. A Q&A session will then give the opportunity to the audience to share comments and insights.


13:00 - 13:05

Introduction "Cryptocurrency Economics"

Michael Mainelli, Z/Yen Group

13:05 - 13:25

Presentation: "Modelling the Economics of Cryptocurrencies: the example of DasCoin"

Matthew Leitch - Z/Yen Group

13:35 - 13:40

Expert Discussion

Dr Dionysios Demetis, University of Hull

13:40 - 13:55

General Discussion, Q&As

13:55 - 14:00

Concluding Remarks and Next Steps

Professor Michael Mainelli, Z/Yen Group

Tuesday, 04 April 2017

13:00 - 14:00 BST



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  • Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group
  • Matthew Leitch
    Z/Yen Group
  • Dr Dionysios Demetis
    University of Hull

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