The eighth edition of the Global Green Finance Index provides the world’s most authoritative measure of the performance of financial centres in delivering green finance services.
The report, assembled by combining the views of financial professionals from around the world, with quantitative data commissioned and curated from over 130 sources, uses advanced statistical techniques to map the global spread of green finance.
09:00 Welcome & Introduction, Simon Mills, Senior Consultant, Z/Yen Group
09:05 GGFI 8 Results, Mike Wardle, Director & Head Of Indices, Z/Yen Group
09:25 Commentary, Simon Mills, Senior Consultant, Z/Yen Group
09:35 Questions, Comments, And Answers
09:55 Concluding Remarks
10:00 Close
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
9:00 - 10:00 BST
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