Launch Of Global Financial Centres Index 36
GFCI Launch - Korea

The Global Financial Centres Index has been tracking the development of the world’s financial centres since 2007 and is the authoritative guide to financial centre success.

Z/Yen will formally launch the 36th edition of the index at a conference - the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI 36) Launch Symposium - in Busan, Korea.

International speakers will share insights on various topics such as digital, sustainability, and maritime finance to promote the development of international financial centres.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of Busan's designation as a financial center. It will be a forum to review and discuss key issues for Busan’sdevelopment into an international global financial hub.

Programme (Korea Time)

13:00-13:20 Registration (Welcome Music play by Busan Municipal Performing Art Company)

13:20-13:50 Opening Remarks & Address

13:50-13:55 Group Photo

13:55-14:15 Keynote Speech 1

Launch of Global Financial Centres Index 36, Mike Wardle CEO, Z/Yen

14:15-14:30 Keynote Speech 2

The role of sustainable finance in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and UNDP FC4S's activities, Stephen Nolan, Managing Director, UNDP FC4S

14:30-15:45 Roundtable discussion I

The future of Global Finance Centres

- Moderator: Nolan Stephen(FC4S)

- Panel: Mike Wardle (Z/Yen), Billy Lee (HKTDC), HYOSEOB Lee (Korea Capital Market Institute), Eunhye Park (Financial Supervisory Service), Yu Peng (CDI)

15:45-15:55 Break

15:55-16:15 Commemorative speeches

16:15~16:35 Special Speech 1 – Sustainable Finance

Changes in shipping industry & the future of Busan, Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General of International Maritime Organization

Special Speech 2 – Maritime Finance

The CityUK’s strategy to harness world leading finance center, Nikola Watkinson, Managing Director, TheCityUk

16:35-17:05 Roundtable discussion II

- Moderator: Prof. Heesung Yun (Korea Maritime & Ocean University)

- Panel: Nak Joo Sung (BNK Financial Group), Hyung-joon Kim (Korea Ocean Business Corporation), Dong-hae Lee (Busan Finance Center)

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

5:00 - 8:00 BST


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  • Mike 3 (2)-min.jpg
    Mike Wardle
    CEO & Head Of Indices
    Z/Yen Group

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