In Safe Hands? The Future Of Financial Services
Report launch


Long Finance is delighted to announce the launch of Gill Ringland's report, “In Safe Hands? The Future of Financial Services”, published in association with the SAMI Institute as part of the Long Finance Financial Centre Futures programme. The launch will include a presentation by the author followed by an expert panel discussion and a Q&A session.

One of the aims of the Financial Centre Futures programme is to explore how finance might work in the future. Gill's report, based on work with the Long Finance Forum of Futurists (L3F) and SAMI Consulting, contributes to this goal via the process of scenario planning. L3F has worked under the Long Finance umbrella to formulate four scenarios, or mental models, for the future of financial services. These scenarios aim to create a shared language and context for exploring the many ideas about how finance may develop in the future. The report “In Safe Hands?” grew out of discussions within the Long Finance community. It became clear that scenario planning, which attempts to envisage how the world will change over the next four decades and what the impact of these changes will be on the provision of financial services, should provide a challenging set of ideas for those examining the future of the financial services industry and the people it serves.

More information on the Long Finance Forum of Futurists (L3F).

Related Materials

"In Safe Hands?" report
Presentation slide set

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


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Share this event on social media:

  • Gill Ringland
    SAMI Consulting
  • John Grout
    Association of Corporate Treasurers
  • Paul Moxey
    Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
  • Mark Yeandle
    Z/Yen Group
  • Professor Michael Mainelli
    Z/Yen Group

Gresham College, Barnard’s Inn Hall
30 Holborn
London EC1N 2HH

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