Immunising Your Investments

Sensible Investing Through A Global Pandemic (And Everything Else Besides)


Webinar Recording

In 2017, Andrew was honoured to contribute a guest chapter to Harriman House’s prestigious “New Book of Investing Rules” alongside investment greats such as John Bogle, Anthony Bolton and Gervais Williams. The title of the chapter was: “How to invest so that crashes don’t matter."

Andrew believes that the unprecedented volatility in so many financial market so far in 2020 have served as a reminder of how important this idea is. It is crucial that we calibrate our investments for all seasons - that we “immunise” them. In this timely talk, Andrew will explain how anyone can build a suitably “immunised" portfolio by using two fundamental and elegant approaches to how they invest:

  1. First, broadly optimised asset-allocation based on the idea of “100 minus your age”.
  2. Secondly, ensuring that you “own the world” - that is to say that you ensure that you have investments in all major asset classes and in all major regions of the world.

When used together, these two broad approaches to investment will maximise your chances of making consistent and significant investment returns and, arguably even more importantly, minimise your stress levels along the way. As part of his talk, Andrew explained how important it is to invest rather than to trade and the importance of completely and utterly ignoring "the news” as part of that process. He explored the role of technology and the importance of "Moore’s law" for your thought process - arguably the most important theme in human history - for investment and for lots else besides.


Over twenty years in the city, Andrew Craig has met with the senior management teams of over one thousand companies and with several hundred professional investors. He has regularly been involved in high profile stock market transactions including the Kingdom of Sweden’s sales of Nordea Bank AB in 2013 (totalling $7.6 billion) and the stock market flotation of several dozen companies including the likes of: easyJet, Burberry, Campari, the Carbon Trust and Andrew’s mission is to spread financial literacy as far and wide as possible. He believes that everyone owes it to themselves to learn about money and investment because doing so is life-changing. Since founding Plain English Finance and releasing his book, he has appeared in numerous publications including: The Mail on Sunday, The Telegraph, The I, CityAM, The Spectator, Shares Magazine, MoneyWeek, YourMoney, This Is Money and Money Observer. He has been interviewed on Bloomberg and Shares Radio and on IG TV, was featured in Russell Brand and Michael Winterbottom's 2015 film “The Emperor's New Clothes” and interviewed by Eamonn Holmes for the Channel 5 programme “How the Other Half Live”.

Andrew Craig is the author of No. 1 best-selling finance book, “How to Own the World: A Plain English Guide to Thinking Globally and Investing Wisely”, founder of personal finance website,, fund manager of the VT PEF Global Multi Asset Fund and a partner at boutique life sciences investment bank, WG Partners.

Itching to hear Andrew present? Watch a previous presentation he gave to the Financial Services Club on Building Robust Investment Strategies below:

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

12:00 - 13:00 BST



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    Plain English Finance
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