Background: The GFT Banking Disruption Index assesses consumer sentiment towards the digital capabilities of British banks. Previous Banking Disruption Index reports have provided insight on several topics across digital banking including AI, payments, security, communication and consumer trust. This webinar will highlight the findings from our latest report which is focused on the spending and saving habits of UK banking customers. Are Brits sleepwalking into a debt disaster?
Richard Kalas is a Customer Solutions Director at GFT, helping our retail banking clients address their strategic and operational challenges in the new digital economy with truly innovative solutions and services. Before GFT, Richard was a Solutions Architect with Meniga, having held similar roles at Ubiquem and Temenos, leading solutions for organisations such as Metrobank, JPMC, UBS and The Bank of England.
Tuesday, 02 July 2024
11:00 - 11:45 BST
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