The Future Of Money

With money changing form so fast, it is difficult to keep pace. One minute we are all focused upon Chip&PIN, the next it's contactless payments with RFID and NFC, then it's mobile payments and who knows what tomorrow. With authentication, identification and verification issues with all of these, it is hard to know where to place your bets for the longer-term vision of money. In this keynote debate, David Birch will chair and steer a conversation to some form of conclusion on the vision of the future of money.

David Birch is a Director of Consult Hyperion, which he helped to found in 1986. Prior to this he spent several years working as a consultant in Europe, the Far East and North America. He graduated from the University of Southampton with a B.Sc (Hons.) in Physics.

Described by The Independent newspaper in 2004 as a 'grade-A geek', and by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation in 2005 as 'one of the most user-friendly of the UK's uber-techies', Dave is a member of the advisory board for European Business Review and UK correspondent to the Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce.

He has lectured to MBA level on the impact of new information and communications technologies, written for publications ranging from the Parliamentary IT Review to Financial World and is well-known for his more than 100 "Second Sight" columns in The Guardian's Online supplement. He is a media commentator on electronic business issues and has appeared on BBC television and radio, Sky and other channels around the world.

He is also known as a great blogger at the Digital Money Forum and Digital Identity Forum.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

18:00 BST



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  • David Birch
    Digital Money Forum and Consult Hyperion

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One Lime Street
London EC3M 7HA

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