Apart from hard-to-abate industries, e.g., steel and cement, our energy future is electric derived from renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar and hydropower. Although electric renewables today are competitive against fossil fuel alternatives in most countries, the challenge is that not all countries are equally endowed with sufficient renewable resources. Europe and Asia Pacific countries will always be net importers of energy (and food), while Kazakhstan has ample export potential. In fact, Kazakhstan could be the linchpin of the Eurasia Renewable Energy Internet (EREI). Finance and financial centres have a significant role to play in providing smooth, liquid, and efficient markets allocating money, resources, and energy. However, the existing international energy trading market is inefficient, largely paper-based, and unable to fulfil the types of services a Renewable Energy Internet requires. This session will explore what can be done jointly by financial centres to provide better energy markets from simplification of contracting, standardisation of documentation, creation of central clearing & counterparty services, or combining foreign exchange and energy trading contracts.
Moderator: Professor Alexander Van de Putte, Chief Strategy Officer & Chairman of Corporate Governance & Stewardship, AIFC
Tuesday, 28 June 2022
12:00 - 13:00 BST