Financing For Steel Sector Decarbonization And The Significance Of Standards

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Background: Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the steel sector amounts to about 7% of total energy sector emissions and 25% of industrial CO2 emissions (IEA, 2020) and achieving net-zero steel in sector will require cumulative investment between $5.2 and $6.1 trillion (MPP, 2022). Emission intensity of steel is a critical criterion in investment decisions which underscores the importance of independent measurement and reporting of the emission intensity of the steel produced. ResponsibleSteel Standard and Certification provides an independent third-party certification assessing emissions and other social criteria from a steel a producing site which the finance industry can leverage on to make financing decisions to the steel sector. In this session, ResponsibleSteel will present the dynamics of steel decarbonization, and the critical role of standards and certification program in enabling finance flows to the steel sector decarbonization.


Annie Heaton has spent the past 30 years working on sustainability across both social and environmental issues. Most recently she spent nine years shaping ArcelorMittal’s sustainability agenda, leading on stakeholder engagement, reporting and investor relations at the corporate level. Prior to this, she worked with the global renewable energy firm RES Group on their zero emissions head office, establishing their environmental education programme, and initiating their sustainability programme as the company developed many GW of large and small-scale wind, solar and biomass projects across the world.

She has also worked with several non-profit organisations, including ActionAid as Head of the Asia Desk, and Save the Children, where she developed several projects with industry. She also serves on the board of GUCE, a community energy company.

Annie graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of Oxford. She has numerous CPD courses in renewable energy, corporate social responsibility, human rights, environment and steelmaking. She loves art, cycling and the outdoors.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

11:00 - 11:45 BST



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  • Annie Heaton Head Shot
    Annie Heaton
    Responsible Steel
  • Simon Mills
    Simon Mills
    Senior Associate
    Z/Yen Group

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