Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow: The Future of Pensions

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This roundtable was held to discuss the second in our Finance Shorts series of publications - Con Keating's paper on pensions, published in November 2010. In it, Con considers the future of retirement income provision over the long term, predominantly in the context of the UK. He indicates a number of errors currently being made in the analysis and management of pensions, contributes to the policy debate on some further policy issues and offers several innovations which could enhance the adaptability and resilience of the pension system. The somewhat unconventional view is advanced that pensions, broadly as formerly envisaged, are sustainable over the long-term.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010



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  • Con Keating
    BrightonRock Insurance
  • Colin Melvin
    Hermes Equity Ownership Services Ltd
  • Philip Sadler
    Tomorrow's Company
  • Justin Wilson
    Alpheus Solutions
  • Professor Michael Mainelli
    Z/Yen Group Limited

Gresham College, Barnard’s Inn Hall
30 Holborn
London EC1N 2HH


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