Does No Euro, No Union mean No Future? A Brexit Update

Before the 23 June vote, the Rt Hon John Redwood MP campaigned hard around the City and environs for the Vote Leave campaign. In fact, John Redwood has spent years as a Eurosceptic, standing against John Major in the 1990s for the leadership of the Conservative Party based upon his anti-European stance and author of a book: Just Say No!: 100 Arguments Against the Euro . He’s not a Boris or Gove, so didn’t get all the media headlines, but he was a sensible voice in the campaign having previously been a banker, starting his professional life as an analyst, manager and director for Robert Fleming and for NM Rothschild in the 1970s and 1980s. Now that he has fulfilled his dream, what happens next? With everyone saying there is no plan, has John got one? Find out by hearing from the man himself at this fascinating Brexit update.

Wednesday, 05 October 2016

18:00 BST



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    Rt Hon John Redwood MP

Pewterers' Hall
The Worshipful Company of Pewterers, Pewterers' Hall
Oat Lane, London EC2V 7DE

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