Cyber Security: Why We Should All Be Very Afraid…

Jamie Woodruff recently hit the headlines because he 'hacked' Kim Kardashian. In fact, Jamie will hack anyone for a fee. As an ‘ethical hacker’, trained in finding security weaknesses, he is employed by leading companies including such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Apple, Google, Simple, Microsoft and more, to find their weaknesses and offer insight into how strong their security is or isn’t.

Jamie main hacking method is through ‘social engineering’, the art of manipulation for information. He believes, and can prove, that people are much more susceptible through social engineering to attacks than in person.

By way of example, in one instance, he watched the inner workings of a company to observe how to enter the building, and their servers. He basically watched the building for months and noticed that every Friday a pizza delivery would be let through security. So Jamie got a job at the pizza shop, left early with the pizza, made it to the company, and accessed the building undetected.

Jamie Woodruff failed all his GCSEs apart from IT where he gained an A* as computing comes naturally to him. He then went on to college where he was given a test which identified that he had both Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, which went unnoticed throughout his school years. Not content at college, Jamie got a job as an IT programmer. One day at work Jamie decided that he had much more to offer, so he started considering the possibility of getting into university. Jamie was interviewed by Dr Stephen Marriot the admissions tutor at the School and his technical knowledge and work experience was enough to gain a place at Bangor University. Dr Marriot said: “Jamie entered under the mature student’s scheme. This was a result of a personal interview in which I recognised a potential to succeed and a willingness to learn.” Jamie is now a University student studying Computer Information Systems whilst travelling the world teaching people the importance of System and Network Security.

Wednesday, 01 February 2017

18:00 GMT



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    Jamie Woodruff
    The Ethical hacker

Pewterers' Hall
The Worshipful Company of Pewterers, Pewterers' Hall
Oat Lane, London EC2V 7DE

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