Customer Centred Innovation In Global Securities Trading

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Stock Exchanges play important roles in price discovery for efficient buying and selling, and in the real economy by helping convert risk capital to working capital, contributing to real jobs. Because most of us rely on Direct Contribution Pensions to provide long term financial health, the value of our pensions at retirement depends on the gross amount invested minus costs at the time of investment. Come join us to learn about customer centred innovations that can increase efficiency by reducing implicit costs – critical in helping to achieve long term investment returns.

Dr Robert Barnes is a lifelong champion of listening to customers and innovating in partnership to achieve greater market efficiencies on a global scale. As Group Head of Securities Trading at London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), he is responsible for the Capital Markets Securities Trading business globally for London Stock Exchange plc, including Equities, Exchange Traded Products, Fixed Income and Alternatives, and CEO of Turquoise, the UK Swiss & European share trading platform regulated by UK’s FCA and majority owned by LSEG that offers a universe of 4300+ Equities of more than 20 countries with links to 21 settlement destinations, including recent expansion to the US. Turquoise is an industry leader, winning the Financial News Award for Innovation in 2015, The TRADE Award for Best Block Trading Venue in 2017, and in November, The TRADE Award for Outstanding Equities Trading Venue overall in 2021.

Dr Barnes started his financial career at UBS in 1994 and has extensive and varied experience of leading business and providing strategic direction, having become a Managing Director, Equities, by 2005 and in 2010 founding CEO of UBS MTF which grew to #1 among peers. His industry roles while at UBS include having served as Chairman of the Securities Trading Committee of the London Investment Banking Association, Member of UK FSA’s Capital Markets Senior Practitioner Committee and European Commission’s Clearing and Settlement Expert Groups (CESAME1&2). He was among the invited industry contributors to Foresight: The Future of Computer Trading in Financial Markets (2012) Final Project Report by The Government Office for Science, London.

LSEG hired Dr Barnes as CEO of Turquoise Global Holdings in 2013 and added to his responsibilities those of Global Head of Primary Markets at LSEG from 2016 until end of 2020 when LSEG announced its divestment of Borsa Italiana to complete its merger with Refinitiv. LSEG then appointed Dr Barnes Group Head of Securities Trading. He participated as invited Member of the European Commission Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union in 2019 that led to the Study on Primary and Secondary Equity Markets in the European Union published in 2020 that cites from his articles and interviews. Dr Barnes represents LSEG on TheCityUK Switzerland Advisory Group and represented UK Financial Market Infrastructures during the Swiss UK Financial Services Industry Round Table with HM Treasury and Swiss Authorities in 2020 that in clear alignment with Swiss peers, contributed to prompt renormalisation of stock exchange relations and re-admission of Swiss securities onto UK trading venues within one month of Brexit, February 2021. Dr Barnes is a widely published thought leader on market structures and delivered in September 2021 the Keynote Address at the annual CordaCon Conference on digital assets and DLT, “Orchestrating the Regulated Digital Ecosystem.” His most recent article features in the December 2021 edition of Global Trading.

Robert holds a BA from Harvard, a PhD from Cambridge, and is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

Monday, 20 December 2021

11:00 - 11:45 GMT



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  • robert barnes.jpg
    Dr Robert Barnes
    Group Head of Securities Trading & CEO Turquoise Global Holdings
    London Stock Exchange Group
  • michael Mainelli.png
    Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group

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