Confidence Accounting Roundtable

A roundtable discussion with two of the authors of the recently published "Confidence Accounting" proposal.

Confidence Accounting is a proposal to use distributions, rather than discrete values, where appropriate in auditing and accounting. In a world of Confidence Accounting, the end results of audits would be presentations of distributions for major entries in the profit & loss, balance sheet and cashflow statements. The proposed benefits of Confidence Accounting include a fairer representation of financial results, reduced footnotes, more measurable audit quality and a mitigation of mark-to-market perturbations.

Andy Haldane, Executive Director for Financial Stability at the Bank of England welcomes the proposal and writes in the foreword, “My hope is that this proposal moves our thinking a step closer towards a set of accounting standards for major entities that put systemic stability centre stage. In the light of the crisis, anything less than a radical re-think would be negligent.”

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

15:30 - 17:00 BST



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  • Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group
  • Ian Harris
    Z/Yen Group

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