CommunityZ Chest - Vinay Gupta, Founder of Mattereum, In Conversation With Michael Mainelli

Webinar Recording


Z/Yen conducts an irregular series of short webinars, CommunityZ Chest, featuring people from its various communities and clubs, viz. technology, financial services, civil society, and business. These webinars provide an opportunity to meet people from the wider CommunityZ, to share ideas, and to make connections.

This CommunityZ Chest features Vinay Gupta. Vinay is Founder and CEO of Mattereum. He is a leading figure in the blockchain space, having co-ordinated the release of the blockchain platform Ethereum in July 2015, and was strategic architect for ConsenSys Systems, a technology hub focusing on the Ethereum blockchain and related applications.

He helped architect the National Blockchain Strategy for Dubai. He has been involved in commercial software development since 1992, with long stints in energy policy and defence think tanks, and his experience as a programmer and visionary has covered fields as diverse as medical imaging, flight simulation, cryptographic applications and the web, as well as energy policy, disaster relief, and grand strategy for poverty alleviation.

A Renaissance man and futurist interested in the technological transformation of society and commerce, Vinay has a strong track record of thought leadership in environmental and infrastructure risk, failing states, energy policy (with five years at the Rocky Mountain Institute) and disaster management.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

11:30 - 12:15 BST


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  • Vinay Gupta.jpg
    Vinay Gupta
  • michael Mainelli.png
    Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group