Z/Yen conducts an irregular series of short webinars, CommunityZ Chest, featuring people from its various communities and clubs, viz. technology, financial services, civil society, and business. These webinars provide an opportunity to meet people from the wider CommunityZ, to share ideas, and to make connections.
This CommunityZ Chest features Tim Ward, the CEO of the Quoted Companies Alliance, the independent membership organisation championing the interests of small to mid-size quoted companies. His past roles have included Head of Issuer Services at the London Stock Exchange, Finance Director at FTSE International, the index company and various management roles at a smaller quoted company. Tim is a Chartered Accountant, has a MBA from Henley Business School and is a qualified executive coach and mentor.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
15:30 - 16:15 BST
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