CommunityZ Chest - Patrick L Young In Conversation With Michael Mainelli
Webinar - Malta

Webinar Recording

Z/Yen conducts an irregular series of short webinars, CommunityZ Chest, featuring people from its various communities and clubs, viz. technology, financial services, civil society, and business. These webinars provide an opportunity to meet people from the wider CommunityZ, to share ideas, and to make connections.

This CommunityZ Chest features Patrick L Young. Patrick has many interests, but is perhaps our best focal point for CommunityZ. In 1999 Patrick L Young wrote the first bestselling book on the topic of "fintech" "Capital Market Revolution!" at a time when financial technology was broadly ignored. Two decades on and with CMR! having proven prescient, the floor traders are all but forgotten, electronic money is the talk of the town and many other items predicted by Patrick's original book.

In "Victory Or Death!" Patrick L Young, discussed, 20 years into the "Revolution!" key topics examining what has - and has not changed - while looking at diverse issues such as the long decline ahead from the peak of banks, the future of exchanges and of course, how cryptocurrency (e-money was widely predicted in CMR!) and blockchain are realistically going to shape the future of finance in a hyper competitive world. Patrick is a former exchange CEO and lifelong entrepreneur whose current interests include publishing the unique daily newsletter of the bourse business "Exchange Invest." He is chairman of industry association Blockchain Malta and lives in Valletta.

Please register for CommunityZ Chest - Featuring Patrick Young In Conversation With Michael Mainelli on Apr 14, 2020 12:00 PM BST at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

And for a taste of Patrick's humour:

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

12:00 - 12:45 BST


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  • Patrick L Young.png
    Patrick Young
  • michael Mainelli.png
    Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group

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