‘Innovation As If The Future Mattered’: EIT Climate-KIC On What To Do With Covid-19 Recovery Funding
Webinar - The Netherlands

Webinar Recording

We cannot afford to allow the huge sums that have now been committed to economic recovery in the wake of the first wave of covid-19 to be spent on propping up harmful carbon intensive economies, unsustainable growth models and damaging inequalities. We need to ensure that this massive fiscal investment accelerates Europe and the world towards decarbonisation; that it invests in regeneration of the environment, and builds infrastructure and systems that are resilient to ensure that the next generations have a liveable and secure world to inherit. A green recovery is the only acceptable path.

The question is: ‘How?’ How can recovery funding be distributed and managed so as to ensure ongoing structural change and systems transformation after the covid-19 crisis? How can we ensure that we do not simply reconstruct dysfunctional approaches to energy, industry, agriculture, and urban living?


Kirsten Dunlop, CEO, Climate-KIC. Kirsten's career spans academia, consulting, banking, insurance, strategy, design, innovation and leadership, across three continents. She joined Climate-KIC in February 2017 from an Australian financial services conglomerate, Suncorp. She is committed to shaping and placing innovation to catalyse profound systemic change. Her vision for Climate-KIC is to co-create a multi-sided marketplace for transformation and the generation of innovation options to achieve a zero-carbon economy and a climate resilient society. In her role at Suncorp, Kirsten founded and led a bespoke division focused on managing and responding to strategic risk through innovation, transforming core business and industry models from within. Prior to roles in Second Road, KPMG and Suncorp in Australia, Kirsten led the Generali Group Innovation Academy for Assicurazioni Generali in Italy, pioneering proprietary thinking in the areas of Strategic Risk management, strategic innovation, strategic leadership development and cultural change. Kirsten holds a Ph.D. in cultural history.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

10:00 - 10:45 BST



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  • Kirsten D Picture.jpg
    Kirsten Dunlop
    Chief Executive Officer
    EIT Climate KIC
  • michael Mainelli.png
    Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group