Clear Skies Ahead: Funding Space Debris Clean-up Through An Offset Market

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Background: This session will explore the current state of sustainability in humanity’s latest operational environment and how the industry plans to clean up its act. Space debris poses a significant threat to large swathes of our economy and the space industry is seeing growing interest in understanding space sustainability. With the New Space Economy poised to launch thousands of satellites in to our orbits and current sustainability strategies limited to mitigation, we explore the potential to open a market to fund the removal of existing debris.


Matthew Wills’ career showcases experience as a systems engineer and explosive engineer in both the civil and private defence and aerospace sectors. His work has focused on the adoption of novel technology in to new domains and highlighting new markets for business to exploit their capabilities. His work has most recently been drawn to the sustainability of our operations in orbit and power generation for future space missions. Currently, as a co-founder of Sustain Space, he is pioneering efforts in space sustainability, developing innovative funding models for space debris remediation. His expertise positions him as a key innovator in creating a sustainable space environment.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

11:00 - 11:45 BST


Knowledge Mile Logo Colour

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  • matt wills
    Matthew Wills
    CEO & Co-Founder
    Sustain Space Ltd
  • Kevin Parker
    Dr Kevin Parker
    Founder & Director
    KKI Associates

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