CAS:WG: Risk

  • Introduction by KS - Welcomed attendees to 1st launch meeting
  • Thanks to Crowe Horwath for hosting event


  • MP restated key messages from CAS WG February launch meeting
  • MP stated that the market faced unprecedented scale of change resulting from legacy regulation and the raft of new legislation as a consequence of the global financial crisis.
  • As a consequence of the global financial crisis and some high profile failures risk has taken centre stage from a regulatory point of view
  • It should be acknowledged that risk can no longer be addressed within its historical verticals - market, credit, operational, liquidity etc. but are intrinsically linked through the pre-trade and post - trade lifecycles.
  • The anticipated changes in the post-trade landscape will have significant impact on how firms manage risk in the future and particularly some key activities such as collateral management and utilisation of capital.
  • MP provided overview of proposed governance structure and invited attendees to indicate their interest in leading the subject group

MP opened the floor for questions

  • MP asked attendees whether they thought the existence of such a group added value
  • The majority agreed there was value and acknowledged that there needed to be a different approach to managing risk in the future


The Risk Subject Group is focused upon:

  • Counterparty Risk – default management
  • CCP default Risk
  • Collateral Risk
  • Operational Risk (Société Générale, UBS, JPMorgan)
  • Market Risk (Eurozone)
  • Enterprise Risk Management versus the silo approach
  • Senior management engagement in risk management

The Group has nominated Paul Young, Associate Director for Business Risk Services at Grant Thornton as its Chair

Thursday, 29 March 2012

16:30 BST



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  • Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group

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